FIW – Sharp Practice in 6mm – Part 1

As I eluded to in an earlier post (link here)

Note: Since doing these I did rebase them using the 1-2-3 system (more here). I found this way of basing more playable – especially in 6mm.

French Indian War Skirmish in 6mm – I have some fond memories from this period and my dad read me the Last of the Mohicans about 3 times when I was little and when I was older we watched the movie with Daniel Day-Lewis together on more than one occasion.  Dad left us far too early – this project is for him.  I have ordered a fair few SYW/AWI from Baccus, including the new Compagnies France de la Marine and Canadian Militia.  I also ordered highlanders, Indians, jaegers, continental light infantry, queens ranges and British line. This should be plenty to build a decent French and British force. I intend to use these with the Musket and Tomahawk, Sharp Practice and Songs of Drums and Tomahawk rules sets. 

There is no major secret that I am fond of the 6mm scale for doing my big 6mm GNW battles and this is where the 6mm scale is arguably at its best.  I did my “Saga in 6mm project” this year (you can start reading about it here if you are unaware of it) and took it to the Joy of Six in Sheffield to show that 6mm could be used for a game more commonly used with larger scales.  The game worked really well and I replaced each miniatures with a 25mm square base of 4 to 10 miniatures.  Following advice from the Welsh Wizard Mike Hobbs I did not change any of the rules and we just played them straight from the box.   The ground scales are somewhat abstract in Saga and the only thing that in detail seemed a little bit wrong were Javelin distances.

For my next project I wanted to take yet another step and actually use individual based 6mm miniatures to do a skirmish game.  I had seen some fantastic stuff done in this scale for the Napoleonic era and I thought it looked good. I decided to combine this with my itch to do something related to the French Indian war.  Since then I have skimmed the three rules I identified above and decided that I would start building forces based on the Sharp Practice rule set (you can find more information here)

To date I have managed to paint one British and one French starting force, they are all based on a 9mm washer and are from Baccus Minatures (from their SYW or AWI range) with a small 3 by 0.5mm magnet put in the hole.  I painted each force in an evening sitting and to buy them from Baccus was at a cost of £13.20-16.50 per force (and giving enough additional miniatures to at least double each unit) – what is there not to like?  I boosted the British Regulars to get some “point” balance against the French Raiding Party.  I have included some pictures below.

Next I will need to make the necessary markers and support list accessories, make some sabot bases, build some fences, buy some American style buidings and perhaps get some more troop options – I have already started a new shopping basket at Baccus.

British Regulars (1755) with additional Rangers and Frontier Militia Support

Leader, Status I

Leader, Status II

Three Groups of 8 Regulars, Muskets

British Regulars two leaders, I used the Baccus SYW SBR01 – British Line Infantry Code. You get 96 miniatures in a pack (for £6.60) so I have plenty room to grow my force (I used 26).  The NCO is from the command strip and the Senior officer with Sword on the right is a standard bearer with the pole cut off to represent a sword.

Leader, Status II

One Group of 6 Provincial Rangers, Muskets

I then added

Leader, Status II

One Group of 6 Provincial Rangers, Muskets

Provincial Rangers, I used the Baccus AWI AWB06 – HIghlanders – Code. You get 48 miniatures in a pack (2 poses at £3.30) I used 14 miniatures .  For the officers I was just going to use one of these and paint the “beret” blue but instead I used two miniatures from the AWL03 – Queen/American range pack from the AWI range.

Leader, Status II

Two Groups of 10 Frontier Militia

Frontier militia
For the Newly formed militia I used AWR02 – Militia – skirmish from the Baccus AWO range. 48 miniatures for £3.30. I used 21 miniatures for this with the Leader being a conversion form the Indian pack (see the French below).

French (1755)

Leader, Status III

Two Groups of 8 Marine Infantry, Muskets

Marine Infantry, I used SFR10 – Comagnies france de la marine – Formed from Baccus SYW range.  96 miniatures for£6.60! –  you can build 4 units like this from one pack There is also skirmish pack at £3.30 that could be used instead.

Leader, Status II

Two Groups of 6 Milice Canadiene, Muskets

Canadina Militia
For the Canadian Militia I used SFR12 – Canadian Militia Advancing and SFR13 Canadian Militia Firing (this gives you 8 different poses) from the SYW range.  You could however just buy one pack (each pack £3.3o and 48 miniatures)

Leader Status II

Two Group of 12 Indians, Tribe, Muskets

For my Indians I used AW02 – Woodland Indians – shirt. You get twice this amount out of a pack for £3.30.  (For my next upgrade I will get some AW01 – Woodlands Indians Barechested and make some more warlike Indians with face paintings and use these guys for the British side).

/All the very best

11 thoughts on “FIW – Sharp Practice in 6mm – Part 1

  1. Neil Egerton

    Excellent, I have been reading the rules and trying to work out the best figures for this war. You’ve done the hard work for me!! Thanks


  2. Neil Egerton

    yep, I think you’re right. 3 x 2 board is what I am proposing to use, just got to get my order into Baccus after pay day !


  3. I am planning to half all ranges and just make half inch measuring sticks and as you say use a 3 by 2 table. Let me know how you are getting on! Good luck.


  4. Pingback: Per Broden’s Sharp Practice in 6mm – Meeples & Miniatures

  5. Pingback: New 6mm Stuff, Painting Service and Shock Markers – Roll a One

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  10. Pingback: Gaslands in 6MM – out of sight but not out of mind – Roll a One

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