Nordic WW2 Movies, Cossacks and Kalmucks at Poltava 1709 – Towards Moscow Trilogy (TMT)


If you have followed this blog you may know that Nick Dorrell, some other Chums, and I put on a game at Salute in 2017.  It was the Kalisz Battle and it required a lot of Cossacks and Kalmucks, actually more than 30 No. (60 by 60mm bases, link here).  In reviewing the needs for the Poltava Battle I realised that I had too few light cavalry bases as both sides had sizeable contingents (the Swedish side being supported by Mazepa’s Cossacks, and the Russian with its normal light cavalry contingent).  I only put 7 miniatures on each base but realised I needed about 16 bases.  I prepared the miniatures for painting but they have been sitting on the painting table for some time now – I was not feeling too excited about getting started.

Podcasts and a WW2 Diversion

This weekend offered almost uninterrupted rain, so I caught up on some Podcasts, including Henry Hyde’s patreon question time that was amazing (link to that project here), the Veteran Wargamer giving some advice (Jay with Friends) on WW2 movies to watch over the Christmas break (link to his excellent podcast here) and a festive Oddcast session from the Too Fat Lardies (listen to it here) that was fun, as always, to listen to. I felt sorry for Sidney Roundwoods Christmas presents – I hope he gets some better ones elsewhere ;).

In the Veteran wargames show I like the fact that Finnish War movies in general were mentioned, also the Norwegian Max Manus and the Danish 9th April (incidentally I think there will be an upcoming Chain of Command Pint Sized campaign covering this).  Here are these and a few other Nordic WW2 movies, in no particular order I recommend them all (a mixture of trailers and clips).

…. and finally a movie about the aftermath of WW2 (an absolutely excellent movie).

As for my own favourite Nordic WW2 Movie I have to admit that I like the Cinemaphotography of the new Unknown Soldier (above) and would love to see it on the Silver Screen again – it made me make some assault boats (I have not yet used) some time ago (more here)

15mm battlefront miniatures in some homemade boats!

However the following movie makes the journey to Mount Doom seem like a walk in the park – so here is another non-English movie to check out.

However I really like Fury, Private Ryan and A Bridge to Far, as well….

Here is a movie I never heard about, I ordered it today (about the invasion of Norway).

Back to the Cossacks

I got on with the painting and the podcasts offered sufficient time to get these done (they are the Cossacks from Baccus 18th century range, GNR10 Cossacks link here), with a special mention to Henry with his three and a half hour session.

Quick job, then Windsor and Newton Nutbrown Inkwash, basing and good to go.

The 16 bases, used some tufts I had lying around.
I used many different colours to provide an non-uniformed look.
Some of the Tufts works better than others


As above…

Now I need to park the Russian Dragoons on the painting table to brew for a while.

/ Hope that was of some interest

9 thoughts on “Nordic WW2 Movies, Cossacks and Kalmucks at Poltava 1709 – Towards Moscow Trilogy (TMT)

  1. Great post- plenty of films for me to check out. I’m rather keen on war films (and films in general) that come from outside the anglosphere. One of my favourites is ‘Come and See’- have you seen that one?



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