Salute 2019 by the Little One

[The Little One has written the blog today… I will write a little bit more next week from my perspective, but enough of me…]

I asked my Papa (that is what I call my Dad) if I could write the blog post today as we both went to the Show. I played two games at Salute. I could have played more but some were demonstration games whilst other were crowded when we went there and Papa tended to stop and talk to all kind of people that he knows. We did not maximise the playing time very well – but we both did have a good time and I know he likes to talk. I wanted to play the Omaha Beach game but it was full every time we went there – it looked really good [ed: this was the Omaha Beach game put on by  Peterborough Wargames Club]. I will write about the two games I did play in more detail below, but first a few general things.

Omaha Beach by the Peterborough Wargames Club – it looked really nice.

I did like

  • I really enjoyed the show, there is a lot to do and buy;
  • I got myself 3 Tiger tanks in 15mm from Peter Pig and they gave me a bonus miniature (thanks!) and I also got the Osprey Book about the Tiger I. We also bought a target lock laser line each – this will help us when we determine whether something is in an arc of fire or not. It avoids arguments, I tend to be more rules strict than my opposition (like Papa). I always see Peter Pig at shows and Papa has a lot of their WW2 stuff – I think he has the world record.  I also got some dice, but they were not very exciting.
  • Everyone was friendly to me and answered all my questions really well;
  • There is a lot of different games at this show, I really like historical games but you could also play fantasy and science fiction (I was looking for someone playing Star Wars Legion but I could not find any, we play it at home so I was not too sad about it).  Some games are more like street fights but there are a lot of very big battles as well;
  • We went to the venue using the Cable Car – it is very exciting, and
  • They always have some cool people with costumes at the show, like Star Wars and 40k. This year they had a Spartan from the HALO universe too.
I took this picture from the Cable Car, you can see the big Excel centre in the background just behind the big boat, that is where Salute takes place every year.
Peter Pig doing a Pirate Game, it looked really funny!
There was even a game using Lego models, that is really cool.
Romans fighting Celts – very exciting. I am currently reading a lot of books about the Roman army, you should too it is really interesting.
Spartan Soldier

I did not like

  • I was looking for some of the latest Star Wars Legion releases but the traders were only selling older stuff from the range – things I already have.
  • I am not used to walking around that much and should have taken better shoes.


The Battle of The Little Big Horn 1876 – The Wargamer Collection Calculator


The first game I played was the Battle of Little Big Horn, it was fought in 1876. It was a battle between 650 soldiers of the US 7th Cavalry regiment under the command of Lt Colonel Custer against Allied Native American tribes led by Sitting Bull. It was fought over land that had been given to the Native Americans but the Government wanted to take it back because they found gold in the region.

The game was cleverly designed and was played on four different boards, each linking to the other boards and events were interconnected. First I played as the Indians but later I took the role of Custer himself, and my strategy was to get into the Indian village and take the women, elders and children hostage. However I found this challenging, first I attacked when I thought the Warriors had gone off hunting but they were still around, second I had left my Gatling guns behind.  During the game, I found myself facing three different enemy leaders (one being commanded by my Dad) but managed to fight bravely and get into the actual village, but unfortunately I had lost my bonus (as my leader – Custer had taken injuries) and had nothing to counter the Native Americans – ensuring my defeat.  I did put up a brave fight and when I talked to Peter who was one of the organisers at the end he said that I was the closest to Victory on that day. I do not like losing and felt annoyed at first, but I realised that as a consequence the children and the women would be safe – so that is a good thing.

It was a really good game, and I really recommend it if you see it on another show.  It is being run by the Wargamer Collection Calculator – you can find a link to them here.  I heard that they won best Participation Game on the day – I think they deserved it.  I hope I can play it again at Joy of Six in July as I will be going there this year [ed: as if you had any choice mate!].  I am getting the book about the Battle by Philbrick.

Here is the first of the four areas that was part of the game, the small board is the Native American Village and the big board is where Custer fought. In reality he died on top of the Hill in the Middle. The wooded arrows show how the board links with the other boards.
Here are the other two boards that form part of the overall Battle.

Space Vixens from Mars – “Meine Ehre heiβt Treue”, The Road to Castle Itter May 1945

The second game was interesting too and was about a situation at the end of WW2 where a German Army Major and an American Lieutenant joined forces to save French prisoners in the Austrian Alps. These prisoners were being guarded by loyal SS Soldiers at Castle Itter, determined to ensure that the prisoners are terminated.

The Book that inspired the game – The Last Battle with Stephen Harding. I ordered it today as I found it really interesting.

In the game I played the German major and his two squads of the finest German Army Soldiers.  We had to convince the SS checkpoints at two stages to successfully enable us to get behind the PAK 40 AT Gun and the Tiger Tank the SS soldiers were equipped with. This would allow me to conduct a surprise attack whilst the American approached the SS position with his Sherman tanks.  Once the Shermans were spotted, they concentrated their fire on the Tiger and managed to disable it. I overwhelmed the gun crew and put some of my men to operate it and managed to use it to destroy some enemy positions.  The American commander did his job well and finished off the remaining opposition.  As a results we managed to free the prisoners.  All-in-all another great game indeed.  They were using the SFD rules. Really nice people (Phil, Gary and Steve) and they have a webpage too (link here) [Ed: and thanks to Josh Shuck who played the American Commander].

The Germans approaching the SS position – the Major in his Kubelwagen and his men in the American lorries behind. This requires nerves of Steel.
The German Major is bluffing his way through as the Sherman Tank sneaks closer at the far end of the table, getting ready for the knock-out shot on the Tiger. Then all went according to plan.

/ Hope that was of some interest, Great Show and Great day. Thanks to the organisers and all the people who put on nice games and shared the hobby with me!




42 thoughts on “Salute 2019 by the Little One

  1. Mark Backhouse

    It sounds like you had a great day too! My son and I also played the Indians at the Little Bighorn and managed to fight off Benteen’s column. It certainly deserved the prize for best participation game!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. James Forrest

    Glad you enjoyed SALUTE, it is very interesting to read a youngster’s view of the hobby. I took two of my own daughters (12 and 16) for their first SALUTE and they also enjoyed it but are not gamers yet, although they are now more interested than before.
    Well done, your report was a good piece of writing, and I am pleased that you have such a good command of language and vocabulary. I only spotted one spelling mistake! (loosing)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. James Forrest

    Forgot to mention, that battle you mentioned with Germans and Americans joining forces was unknown to me, I will read up on that one. That is one of the extra benefits of wargaming, one learns some interesting history!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great review of the show! I really like the two game reports. I didn’t see either of these on the day so very interesting to see pictures and read what they were about.

    Love the cable car pic!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gary Richards

    Nice report! That Custer game looks really interesting with different areas to take on, the Final Battle looks very ‘Dirty Dozen’ in a cool way!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh I am jealous. It has been about 4 years since I was last at Salute. It was one of my favourite shows when living in the UK but I have only managed two since then 😦

    Enjoyed the battle reports as well. Well done!


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Orm Embar

    As an aside the French Prisoners had been moved from Colditz, and were politicians rather than soldiers. It looked like a good day and I hope someone has more on the Flash Gordon lego game. I look forward to seeing you and your papa at Joy os Six.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. iainfuller69

    What a cracking write up!

    It was a pleasure to meet you with your Papa on Saturday, I’m glad that you enjoyed the show and it looks like you enjoyed the day as a whole which is even better. I’ll be seeing both of you at the Joy of 6, can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for that!

    All the best, Iain.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. John D Salt

    A good, clear and informative report. I was very pleased to see that he games had encouraged TLO into further reading on military history. “The Last Battle” is a good example to show that history can be much stranger than fiction.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: SELWG 2019 – Wargames Show – Roll a One

  11. Pingback: Omaha Beach – IABSM with the Little One – Roll a One

  12. Pingback: GNW, Little One, Sweden 1943, Mutant 1984 and Podcasts – a review of 2019 – Roll a One

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